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Is Hiring a Realtor Worth It?

6% Commission Seems Like a Lot, is Hiring a Realtor Worth It?

You have made the decision to sell your home, this is a big decision for you and your family. You know you should hire a realtor but 6% of the purchase price seems like a big price to pay, how hard can it be to sell a house?

Selling a home takes time, knowledge of the local trends and market as well as negotiating skills. 90% of sellers use a listing agent which should be a good indication that realtors have the required expertise to sell your home. The first step once you’ve chosen a realtor to hire is to have them set the right price for your home. While you may feel that your home is perfect, a realtor will have a more practiced eye when it comes to condition and location, the realtor will also have access to comparable sales. The condition of the home is very important, but knowledge of the current market and its trends are crucial to pricing your home. Price your home too high and it will sit on the market, dragging the whole process out longer. Price your home too low and you could leave money on the table for no reason at all.

Another advantage of having a real estate agent is that the property is marketed to both the community and other realtors. If you do not hire a realtor and only market the property yourself you are missing out on a large portion of potential buyers. The next asset a realtor brings to the table is they will handle showings of your home with potential buyers for you AND vet potential buyers. This means that only qualified buyers will look at your home which will save you time and frustration because you won’t be dealing with looky-lous.

Now you may be thinking to yourself: “Jessica, so far you haven’t really enticed me to hire a realtor because I can get past these hurdles myself.” However, the advantages of hiring a realtor continue. Escrow has opened, you have a buyer! Hooray! It should be simple from here on out right? I’m sorry to let you down, but this is only the beginning. There are a multitude of disclosures that need to be filled out and inspections to be scheduled. A realtor will handle everything from the negotiating, the inspections and the paperwork so you can focus on your job, family and preparing for the upcoming move. Imagine having to prepare for a move, work your full time job AND handle the sale of your home all at the same time. Having a professional handle the intricacies of escrow will take stress off you and your family so you can focus on the upcoming move.

Hiring a realtor may be more expensive than selling your home yourself or using online services, but a realtor will result in a smoother, more efficient transaction. Time is money and a realtor will help you sell your home and keep the process as stress-free as possible.

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This Post Has 16 Comments

  1. Eli Richardson

    It’s awesome how a real estate agent has connections with other realtors to sell a property. One of my aunts has a house that she wants to sell. She will love the idea of working with a real estate agent to put her property on the market.

    1. Bill Chance Realty

      Yes! connections are the best way to sell real estate!

  2. DanielLex

    Thanks for helping people find the information they need. Great stuff as usual. Keep up the good work!!!
    process analysis essay

  3. Ellie Davis

    It’s interesting to know that a real estate agent will list your property with the community and other realtors as well. My mother is thinking about selling her house, and we are looking for advice. I will let her know about the benefits of hiring a real estate agent to help her.

  4. Jacob Brown

    It’s good that you point out that hiring a realtor will help you reach a wider range of potential buyers when you’re selling your home. I want to sell my home soon, and I’m considering having a realtor help me with it to give me the best possible chance of selling it for a good price. I’m going to look for a good realtor in my area to hire.

  5. Ron Booker

    I like how you said a good realtor will be proactive with paperwork so things get done quickly. Having the specialty of a realtor when trying to sell your hope would be so helpful because they’ll have expertise and knowledge on how to get a potential buyer’s attention and then help speed up the closing process. I bet there are companies that could help search for real estate executives if you needed to find one to help sell your home.

  6. Ellie Davis

    My brother is thinking about buying his first house with his wife, and my wife and I are trying to help them during the process. It’s interesting to know that real estate agents provide the expertise to help you during the buying and selling process. I will pass this information to them and see if it helps them find the perfect home.

  7. Bob Newton

    It’s good that you point out that a real estate agent can make the process of selling your home much easier. I want to sell my home this year, so I’m considering hiring a real estate agent to help me do it. I’m going to look for a good real estate agent in my area that can help me sell my house.

  8. Franklin White

    I like how you said that a real estate agent can help get your property marketed to other realtors. They can help get your property seen by a lot more potential buyers. This is the best idea for anyone who wants to sell their home fast.

  9. Alec Burns

    It’s helpful that you point out that using a real estate agent makes it much easier to expose your home to potential buyers. I want to put my house on the market this summer, so I’m thinking about hiring a real estate agent to help me. I’m going to look for a reputable real estate agent in my area to use.

  10. Wade Joel

    It is interesting to know that one advantage of hiring a real estate agent will help you to market your property properly. My husband and I are thinking about buying our first house, and we are looking for advice about how to find the right one. I will let him know about your recommendations to understand the benefits of working with a real estate agent.

  11. Fred Gibbons

    It’s interesting that you talk about how working with a real estate agent can make it much easier to sell your home. My wife and I want to put our home on the market this summer, so I’m considering engaging the services of a real estate agent. I’m going to search for a good real estate agent in my area to use.

  12. Thomas Clarence

    I’m glad you mentioned that one of the advantages of working with a realtor is that they can handle the showing of your home. This would be really helpful for someone who is busy with work or taking care of their children and don’t have time to show their home to multiple people. Allowing a real estate agent to handle the showings seems like it would reduce a lot of stress.

  13. Wade Joel

    My wife and I are thinking about buying our first house, and we are looking for advice. I loved that you mentioned hiring an agent will allow you to market your property with the community and other realtors. I will make sure to start looking for a real estate agent to help us.

  14. Kate Hansen

    It was really helpful when you said that you can have your home properly marketed to the community with a real estate agent. My sister was telling me last night about how she and her husband are wanting to look into selling their home in a couple of months, and they were wondering if they should hire a real estate agent to help them. I’ll make sure to pass this information along to her so that she can know the benefits of hiring a real estate agent to sell their home.

  15. Chris Pederson

    I had no idea that a realtor will deal with the negotiations, inspections, and paperwork for you. I thought they would just show you the house. I’d love to get a realtor to help me and my wife find the perfect home.

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